Second Annual Hula Bowl Mixed Triples Tournament
The Second Annual Hula Bowl Mixed Triples Tournament was held at the Vancouver Lawn Bowling Club on Saturday, June 22, 2024. The tournament was initiated and sponsored by our current President, Betty-Ann Lee. A total of 24 club members participated in the tournament consisting of 2 10 end games. The members were grouped by skill level and position preference followed by a draw for skips, vice skips and leads to form the teams.
After the first game, we were entertained by the club’s ukulele musicians playing and singing a couple of Hawaiian songs including Tiny Bubbles. We then were treated to some sushi, cake and tea/coffee before heading out for the second game. After the second game 4 teams were tied with 2 wins so the winner of the tournament was decided by the number of points over their opponents. A very tight competition.
Photos were taken of each team as well as a group photo. Prizes were awarded to all the participants with the grand prize going to the AlohaBowls team of Elmer, Pritpal and Donna.
In addition, the AlohaBowls will have their team and names engraved on the Hula Bowl Mixed Triples trophy.
Our thanks to Betty-Ann for initiating the tournament and for providing the decorations, food and prizes. Also, a thank you to all the members who helped in organizing and conducting the tournament. A final thank you to all the members who participated in this friendly competition.

Vancouver Lawn Bowling Club First Event for 2024
The Vancouver Lawn Bowling Club opened the year 2024 with a large celebration on Saturday, February 17, 2024. We combined our traditional New Year celebration party with Valentine’s Day and the Lunar New Year. With some 40 or so members and guests in attendance, the festivities started with the Lion Dance with Vince and Charlie as the head and tail and with drum accompaniment by Lily. The Lion danced about the club house to scare away bad spirits and bring good fortune.

We then settled down for a delicious and plentiful lunch of delightful munchies.
After lunch we were entertained by our own ukelele group performing several love songs such as Love me tender and Hello Mary Lou.

We then settled down for a few games of bingo for prizes donated by club members. A game tradition at the club to keep our minds, eyes and reflexes sharp to win some wonderful prizes.
Special thanks to organizers, the volunteer helpers, the lion dancers, the ukelele group and prize donors.
A great start to the year.

The 2024 Calendar has been posted under its menu item.
The 2024 Fee Schedule is posted below.
2024 Board
President Betty-Ann
Vice President Donna
Secretary Charlie
Treasurer Amy
John S, Elmer, Aki, Joanna, Kay, Rosalie, Heri, Keith, Vince
Renting For Your Group
Information is here for Rentals in 2024, or contact Betty-Ann Lee.
About Us
The VLBC is the oldest lawn bowling club in Vancouver, being established in 1912. We have a very well maintained Green and a comfortable clubhouse which are well utilized by our membership and by visitors. VLBC members are proud to say that we have a reputation as being one of the friendliest clubs in the Vancouver area.
Drop-ins are welcome from the end of April to September on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays from 1:30 pm, and Wednesdays from 10:30 am.
The drop-in fee of $15 includes the use of Club bowls. Please wear clean, flat-soled shoes.
Normally, we host 2 major tournaments during the year: the Andrew Dardano Memorial Triples for men and the Tournament of Roses Triples for women. Please see the Calendar for dates.
Contact Us
For general information, email the Secretary
Friendly Competition
At the VLBC we draw for teams during regular play, making sure that the opposing teams have complementary levels of experience. This way you get to play with and against most of the other members during the season.
Fee Schedule 2024
Includes use of Club bowls, potluck dinners and other events.
Discounted rate for new members for a trial period of two months. $50.00 per month can be applied to full membership. Includes coaching, lessons and use of Club bowls.
Available only to Club members spouses or family member’s and associates, for potluck dinners and a day of bowling.
DROP IN. $ 15.00
This rate is for people who drop in when Club members are bowling. Includes use of Club bowls. (May include some coaching or no coaching).
Minimum number of participants is to be 20 people, if fewer than 20 people they will still be charged for 20 people. One day per week will be set aside for corporate events. Coaching and Club bowls will be provided. If the group is going to serve alcohol they must have a liquor license. Reduced rates for students.
A member of any Club in the world.
Any member from another club who wants to be a member of two clubs.
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