Calendar – 2024


JANUARY                   NO EVENTS

FEBRUARY         17       Valentines & Lunar New Year luncheon

                                            Complimentary to all members

MARCH                16       Spring AGM & Board meeting

APRIL                    6        Advertising (Open House) meeting

                                20       Clean-up Day

                                27       Opening Day

MAY                         4        Open House

                                20       Victoria Day Potluck dinner

JUNE                     22       Hula Bowl Mixed Triples

JULY                         1        Canada Day Potluck dinner

                                18       Andrew Dardano Mixed Triples

                                TBA    Visit CP Club – Victoria

AUGUST               8        B.C. Day Potluck dinner

                                24       Lucille & Adolpho Pietracupa Mixed Triples

SEPTEMBER     2        Labour Day Potluck dinner

                                30    National Day For Truth & Reconciliation                       

OCTOBER          12      Thanksgiving Day Luncheon (Saturday)

NOVEMBER                  No Events

DECEMBER       7 Fall AGM and Christmas tea party

NOTE:           In addition, we have the following events during the off season:

  1. Saturday or Sunday drop in for carpet bowling and bean bag toss
  2. Wednesday yoga – pre-registration required.
  3. Sundays table tennis – please advise Aki or Charlie if interested