by Elmer Morishita
Adolfo and Lucille Pietracupa Mixed Triples Tournament 2024
The third annual Adolfo and Lucille Pietracupa Mixed Triples Tournament was held on Saturday, August 24, 2024. The tournament was organized and sponsored by their daughter, Lisa to
remember and honour her parents at the Vancouver Lawn Bowling Club where they spent many hours playing and socializing.
They joined the VLBC in 2001 in part due to the friendliness of the members. They bowled regularly at the club improving their skills. They also became more involved with the social activities at the club with Lucille helping out with the various social events and Adolfo volunteering as the greenskeeper, maintenance worker and resident electrician. He also improved his lawn bowling skills by playing in the interclub leagues and during the winter bowling at the Pacific Indoor Lawn Bowling Club. When Lucille passed away he organized a club mixed triples league, keeping the records, providing refreshments and prizes. Adolfo passed away a few years later in 2019.
This year’s tournament was one to remember. Most of the family was present from daughter and son to their children and their children’s children. We all entered the clubhouse through a green/white/red balloon arch where the Italian theme continued with table decorations and with Adolfo’s favourite Scotch.
There were 24 bowlers registered and by draw they formed eight triples teams. Each team came up with a name. The 2 grandchildren picked the Quack Quack team name as the best. A prize was awarded to the team of Pritpal, Elmer and Lily.
Before the games started, a piper played and led the bowlers through the Rose Garden and around the green. Fond memories of when we held the Glasgow and Ayrshire men’s interclub tournament.
After the first game a wonderful and tasty tea time was held with Italian sandwiches, fruit, cake and tea. After the second game the Quack Quack team placed first, winning 2 games and having more points over their opponents than the 2nd place team which also won 2 games. Prizes were awarded to the 3 top teams.
This was then followed by a few speeches and photos to round out a wonderful day of bowling and remembrance. Our thanks to Lisa and her family for their presence and for the work in organizing this special bowling event.

Interclub News
During the bowling there are many opportunities for club members to participate in tournaments and leagues. These are mostly listed in the Vancouver and District Handbook. It is a great chance to play at other clubs, meet fellow bowlers from other clubs and enjoy friendly, competitive bowling.
This year we participated in 2 triples leagues. The Elm Park Triples League at Kerrrisdale LBC. Our team of Wesley, Heri, Elmer, Keith, Daniel and Albert took turns playing. We played well but were not among the prize winners.
The Ed Angel Men’s Triples League at West Point Grey LBC
Our team of John, Elmer, Heri, Daniel, and Keith enjoyed the games and the competition but sadly did not fare too well. Still with this year’s experience we hope to do better next season.
The Andrew Dardano Men’s Triples tournament hosted by our club was cancelled this year.
A few of our members formed teams with club members for with members of other clubs and entered tournaments during the season.
Alexander Cup tournament held every 2 years between VLBC and Canadian Pacific Lawn Bowling Club in Victoria. Tournament restarted in 2012 on the 150th anniversary of the City of Victoria. The tournament is a home and away bowling matches held every 2nd year. Next year we will challenge for the cup as CP won the last time around.
VLBC & Granville Park LBC annual afternoon of social bowling. This year at Granville Park; next year at VLBC. Two clubs started out as one in 1912 but split into 2 clubs with our club retaining the name Vancouver Lawn Bowling Club. Games started in 2012 on the 100th anniversary of the VLBC.
Paul’s Birthday Party

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