Club Tournaments

VLBC Interclub Tournaments in Transition

The Vancouver Lawn Bowling Club hosts 2 interclub tournaments during the bowling seasons, one for men and one for women.
The Tournament of Roses for women has changed slightly this year moving from a women’s fours to a women’s triples tournament.  The Roses has always been very popular and fully booked each year.  Still we have moved to the triples format to make it easier for smaller clubs, including ours, to field a team.  Everything else remains the same including our commitment to provide an enjoyable day of lawn bowling.   The date for this year’s tournament will be Thursday, June 8th. Contact Dorothy

The men’s tournament has undergone a more dramatic change.  The Glasgow and Ayrshire Men’s Fours tournament has been closed and the trophy has been retired.  This popular tournament in early July featured a piper-led parade around the Rose Garden and Green, a toast of scotch to the Queen and day of friendly but competitive bowling.
A new tournament has been established:  The Andrew Dardano Memorial Tournament.  Andrew Dardano was a long time member of the Vancouver Lawn Bowling Club who donated much both financially and through volunteer work at the club.  He was a regular fixture at all our week end games and socials.  He was an excellent bowler and in his quiet and gentle way helped new bowlers learn the game.   He is fondly remembered for all of his contributions to the club and its members.
The date for this year’s tournament has been set as Sunday, July 2nd. To request an entry please contact Jonathan